Trendsitions Inc.

Trendsitions Inc.


Trendsitions Inc.

326 SE 2nd St
Pendleton, OR 97801 | View on Google Maps
Ed Cortez Ed Cortez
(541) 276-3456
Connect With Us

Trendsitions is a Services Provider Agency for adults with Intellectual, Developmental or Physical Disabilities. We offer job sourcing, job coaching, employment opportunities, alternative employment opportunities, community engagement activities, day services, and community living supports, depending on our clients wants and needs! Many of them receive more than one kind of service, and our main mission is to help them accomplish their own employment goals! We work with a combination of local businesses, corporations, and government offices to source jobs, volunteer opportunities, and community engagement activities that will be beneficial and advantageous for all parties involved. It is our pleasure to work with the wonderful and unique people who use our services!

Member Since: 2022